What Is the Due Date for DIN-3 KYC Filing?

din 3 kyc

File director KYC (DIN-3 KYC) before 30th September 2022

Directors KYC ✓(DIR-3 KYC) Form is a ✓mandatory ROC filing if DIN is allotted on or before 31st March 2022. We are offering a 100% ✓Online process.

What is the DIR 3 KYC form?

Director’s KYC Filing is an annual activity and applies to every person who was allotted a DIN (Director Identification Number) regardless of their status as qualified or disqualified for the 2019-20 Financial Year onwards – Every Director who has been granted a DIN on or before the end of the financial year , and their ‘Approved’ DIN status, including disqualified directors, may be required to file a DIR-3 KYC form.

What is Director Identification Number (DIN)?

Every new or existing director of a company must apply for a Director’s Identity Number. It is a unique identification number that is assigned to a person who wants to become a director or an existing director of a company with lifetime validity.

What is a Web based DIR-3 KYC?

DIR -3 KYC WEB will be used by the DIN holder who has submitted the DIR-3 KYC form during the previous financial year and no updates are required in his details.

Who Should Submit DIR 3 KYC Form?

Financial Year 2019-20 onwards – Every Director who has been granted a DIN on or before the end of the financial year, and whose DIN status is ‘Approved’, will need to be mandatorily required to file a DIR-3 KYC before 30th September of the immediately in the next financial year.

 What is the due date of filing ROC Form DIR 3 KYC?

Every individual who is allotted DIN as on 31st March of the financial year must submit his or her KYC on or before 30th September of the next financial year.

What happens if DIR 3 KYC is not filed ?

In cases where a director who is required to submit a DIR 3 KYC Form or DIR 3 KYC WEB, does not submit it within the due date on MCA 21 portal, the department will mark that director’s DIN as ‘Deactivated due to non-filing of DIR-3 KYC’ and will have to pay an INR 5,000 / 10,000 fine if filed after the due date.

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